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CS CASE Safety Valves

CS CASE is a control and safety valve manufacturer, and its products are produced in different types and models. Before buying this company's control and safety valves, you should have detailed information about them. The following text provides brief information about the types, models, and technical specifications of CS Case-control and safety valves.

CS CASE company and all types of control and safety valves

CS CASE is a Turkish company with a history of 40 years in the production of control and safety equipment in the industry. The products of CS Case have international certificates in the facilities industry and are exported to different countries, including America and Germany.
Control and safety valves are part of CS Case products, and pressure relief valves are among this company's most widely used control and safety valves.

CS CASE pressure relief valves

  • CS Case pressure relief valves are used to reduce the water pressure of the piping system and are produced in different types and models.
  • CS Case large spring body pressure relief valves are produced in models 0315, 0325, 0332, 0340, 0350, 2865, and 3080 from sizes 1.2 to 3 inches. Using these pressure relief valves and controlling the water pressure inside the piping system prevents the explosion of pipes and the failure of amateurs.

pressure relief valve

CS Case spring small body pressure relief valves are made in 3315 and 3320 models with 1/2 and 3/4 sizes, and they have smaller dimensions and less construction material than the large body types.
Also, CS Case pressure relief valves were first produced in 1915, 1920, and 1925 models in sizes from 1.2 to 1 inch, and diaphragm valves, reduce the water pressure of the diaphragm and prevent damage to the piping system due to high water pressure.

CS CASE safety valves

CS CASE safety valve model 07151 in 1.2-inch size is produced and supplied to discharge excess pressure load on the piping system. This CS case safety valve model is placed in the piping system safety valves category and transfers the fluid with a balanced pressure so that the components of the piping system are not damaged.
CS Case model 07151 safety valve is produced under the EN1489 standard with three static pressures of 10, 6, and 3 bar (without possibly adjusting the output pressure).

CS CASE ventilation valve

CS Case model 1315 air vent valve in size 1.2 inches is used to drain the air entering the water piping system of packages and radiators. Note that these valves should not be used to balance the excess pressure in the system or to release the tension and are only suitable for discharging air from the piping system, which has entered the water supply network of the package and radiator systems as an impurity.
On Damatajhiz's specialized collection site, all kinds of control and safety valves for CS cases are offered at the best prices for you to use and buy, dear users, experts, and colleagues.

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