Water Purifier

The 6- to 8-stage domestic water purifier removes any harmful pollutants such as microorganisms, nitrates, unpleasant odors, etc. from drinking water and provides completely healthy drinking water. In the following, we'll guide you how to choose and buy any type of home water filtration systems in bulk.

A guide to analysis and selection of Water Purifier

Today, the pollutants in urban water and water supply system have increased, or in some urban areas, tap water has an unpleasant taste and smell, which can have various reasons, including the inability to completely remove pollutants by industrial treatment plants and the addition of pollutants. New to the water inside the worn pipes of urban water transmission. For this reason, using a complete water purifier is no longer a choice, but has become one of the necessities of life.
In general, household water purifiers have under-sink, desktop, wall-mounted, and even overhead sink types.
Water purifiers are produced and supplied in different models from different brands (such as Softwater water purifiers, Water Safe, etc.), each of which has specific features and characteristics, and there are also very important points to prepare a water purifier. You should know them, so we will describe practical and useful tips related to the types of water purifiers, the type of function, features, price and how to choose and buy it.

How to choose and buy a water purifier

What pollutants does tap water contain?

Currently, some existing water resources contain many pollutants such as industrial and domestic pollution, mud, parasites, bacteria, nitrite and nitrate, pathogenic microorganisms, etc., which are very harmful to human health and in The chlorination flow of urban water treatment does not disappear completely; Therefore, in order to completely remove chemical pollutants soluble in water and suspended substances (microbes, bacteria, etc.), heavy metals, as well as completely remove nitrates and adjust water hardness within the range of meeting the needs of domestic drinking water from a water purifier. A complete household that is equipped with membrane filters, fiber filters, etc. is used.
The water purifier not only completely removes water pollutants, but also by using filtration and adding ions that are useful for the body to the water (which we will discuss in detail below), it makes the water healthy, light and refreshing. It ensures that, by drinking and using it for purposes such as cooking, in addition to improving the taste and quality of food, you can ensure the health of yourself and your family.

What is the most dangerous cause of cancer in water?

Nitrates are one of the most dangerous substances soluble in water, which are considered to be one of the main carcinogens, especially stomach cancer, so in order to remove nitrates in drinking water in 6- to 8-stage household water purifiers, a complete method is used. The name reverse osmosis is used. In fact, the reverse osmosis system in the water purifier is made up of membranes that have very small nano holes that only water molecules can pass through and particles larger than water molecules can pass through. do not have The complete home water purifier equipped with reverse osmosis technology provides the consumer with healthy, light and pleasant water by removing the impurities and hardness in the water.

Important tips on how to use a complete home water purifier

  1. In urban water treatment facilities, nitrate, which is one of the most dangerous water pollutants, is not removed in any way, and to remove it, a water treatment device equipped with advanced filters is needed.
  2. In urban water treatment plants, chlorine is added in order to kill bacteria and disinfect water, it is directly related to many cancers and fetal abnormalities, as well as heart diseases and asthma, as well as the carcasses of microorganisms killed by chlorination in The remaining water, which itself can be the source of another pollution in water.
  3. Usually, purified water from city treatment plants passes through old and rusty pipes for kilometers, which causes the purified water to be re-polluted to some extent.
  4. As chlorine gas in swimming pool or bathroom is harmful for human lungs and contact of chlorine with skin and hair causes hair loss and damage to skin, so it is recommended that chlorine in municipal tap water is also used by water purification devices. Household should be completely removed.
  5. In order to maintain the quality of water in mineral water bottles for a long time, preservatives such as fluoride are used in the water of these bottles, which is a chemical factor and its continuous consumption is also dangerous.
  6. Be sure to note that boiling the water will never eliminate the various impurities in the water, and it will not eliminate the impurities and hardness dissolved in the water, but the more the water is boiled, the higher the concentration of salts and nitrates in it. increases and causes many diseases, therefore, despite this very wrong belief among some people, boiling water does not improve the quality and purification of water.
  7. Considering all the above cases, it can be said that nowadays, one of the essentials and necessities of life is to use a device that we can be sure will provide us and our loved ones with safe and high-quality water, so there is no other choice but to use a device. We will not have complete and reliable household water purification.

home water purifiers

Comparison of mineral water and water purifier

  • solutes

The salts and preservative compounds in mineral water are deposited in the body after continuous use and cause diseases such as kidney stones.

  • expiration date

Mineral waters in Europe only have a one-week expiration date, but mineral water bottles available in Iranian stores have an expiration date of up to 6 months!

  • Preservatives

Mineral water producing companies add half a milligram of fluoride to mineral water for each liter. This tasteless and odorless preservative is very dangerous and carcinogenic to the human body if used continuously. When fluoride enters the tissues of the body, it occupies the environment of the tissue and causes the interstitial water to leave, and the body automatically creates a slimy layer that over time the tissues enlarge, which is called retention. It is called water in the body. But the output water of the household water purifier is without preservatives and completely harmless and suitable for the body.

  • Maintenance

Mineral waters are supplied in plastic packages that have special storage conditions, for example, mineral water packages should not be exposed to direct sunlight, while the storage conditions of mineral waters available in Iranian stores are not standard. Mineral water plastic packages release their polymer materials in the sunlight and dissolve in water, polymer materials are also very dangerous and dangerous for human health. The home water purifier does not add any polymeric materials to the water.

  • economic efficiency

Using a home water purifier in homes and apartments provides you with healthy and light water, which is very valuable in terms of economy, quality and health compared to mineral water bottles. If a family buys a water purifier, its cost is compared to the continuous purchase of mineral water packages in such a way that within a few months this initial purchase cost of the home water purifier will be compensated. In fact, getting a water purifier is a correct and very smart choice from an economic point of view.

  • Helping nature

Using mineral water bottles on a daily basis is very harmful to nature. We humans should not use plastic and single-use materials more than normal, in order to help make the nature more beautiful, cleaner, and maintain the health of the planet as much as our share of this planet.

General specifications of the water purifier

Before choosing and buying a water purifier, you should know and pay attention to the various things that determine the quality and capabilities of the device. First, know your needs and choose and prepare the appropriate device. In the following article, the important and general characteristics of the water purifier are mentioned.

Mechanism type of water purifier

There are various methods and mechanisms for cleaning tap water using a household water purifier, some of which are outdated and do not have the necessary efficiency. The most up-to-date mechanism in new water purification devices is the reverse osmosis method, this method is done using a filter called a membrane, inside which an 8 or 13-layer membrane is placed to pass only pure water.
Solvents such as chemicals, nitrates, heavy metals or salt soluble in water cannot pass through this filter, which is why the efficiency of the reverse osmosis method is very high. This method is also called RO, usually water purifiers with reverse osmosis mechanism have a pump to adjust the water pressure as well as a tank to store the purified water.
Another practical method in the ultrafiltration (UF) water purifier, or in simpler terms, is the use of more filters. The more filters are placed in the water path, the lower the amount of pollutants in the output water. They use tightly packed filters to keep out chemical contaminants, sediments, and the like.
Another mechanism that is used for the water purification device is the nanofiltration method. In this method, as it is known, nano filters are used to absorb pollutants. It can be said that its operation is similar to ultrafiltration and only the dimensions and types of filters are different.

Mechanism type of water purifier

The constituent components of the undersink water purifier

  • PP filter:

The function of this filter is to remove sediment, sand and iron rust

  • Active carbon filter and granular carbon:

It removes organic substances, chlorine and particles up to 5 microns

  • 1 micron filter:

Filter to remove particles up to 1 micron

  • Membrane filter:

It is responsible for removing all chemical and organic substances such as nitrites and nitrates and only allows the passage of pure water molecules. Membrane filter is the most important filter in a complete home water purifier.

  • Post carbon filter:

Odor and taste removal filter

  • Mineral filter:

It is responsible for adding useful salts to water
pressure switch
UV lamp
milk consumption
Storage tank valve
Storage tank pressure adjustment valve
Wastewater flow restrictor
TDS adjustment valve 16
electric valve
Pressure gauge
Transformer to convert 220 V to 24 V for RO
inlet valve
The storage source of the domestic water purifier under the sink (in the domestic water purifier under the sink, the storage source is used to store purified water and adjust the pressure of the outlet valve.)

The number of stages of the water purifier

The type of operation of water purifiers varies according to the number of stages and their quality, currently there are 3 to 8 stage water purifiers available. In devices with a higher number of filtration stages, more filters can be installed and more pollutants can be absorbed, therefore the quality of the device's output water will be better.
Most of the world's famous companies produce and market two models of 6 and 8-stage water purifiers, because they are used and sold more. Usually, the 3rd or 4th stage of filtration in the water purifier belongs to the reverse osmosis mechanism (membranes) and the rest of the filters are placed after that.

Types of water purifier filters

Another very important issue that you should know when buying a water purifier is the type and quality of its filters. The highest number of filtration stages of a water purifier is 8 stages and there are a maximum of 8 types of filters, but for devices with fewer stages, some filters are removed, and we will mention the types of water purifier filters below:

  1. Granular carbon filter: These types of filters are used to improve the taste of water, pollutants such as pesticides or chlorine that affect the taste of water are absorbed by this filter and pleasant water is obtained.
  2. Carbon block filter: The carbon block filter works similarly to the granule filter and completes its process and will make the water clear and also eliminate the unpleasant taste and smell and free carbon particles in the water used.
  3. Sediment filter: As its name suggests, it is used to remove sediment, pipe rust, etc., and it is generally made of polypropylene.
  4. Membrane filter: It is the very important filter that is in charge of the reverse osmosis mechanism in complete water purification devices, and it was fully explained above.
  5. UV filter: It is the ultraviolet filter that destroys microorganisms, microbes and bacteria in water by means of radiation.
  6. Alkaline filter: This filter reduces the acidity of the water and provides alkaline water rich in useful properties to the consumer.
  7. Mineral filter: This filter is used to remove some of the water's mineral salts, in fact, if the hardness of the water is high, it reduces it, but not in such a way that it removes all the minerals, so it is usually placed at the last stage. .
  8. Infrared filter: This filter also does the job of oxygenating the water.

Types of water purifier filters

Number and types of standard water purifier filters

The number of filters installed in household water purification devices alone does not indicate the high quality of the water coming out of the water purification device, but in addition to the number and stages of purification, the type of filters and the technology used in them are also very important in improving the quality of the water coming out of the device. It has water purification. (Pay attention to the issue of the originality of the filter of the household water purifier, which is completely effective in both the quality and the price of the device, and do not sacrifice the quality of the water used for the low price of some household water purifiers that are practically ineffective).

  • First stage: In this stage, mud, sand and other suspended pollutants are removed from the water by a 5 micron fiber filter.
  • Second stage: In this stage, the active carbon filter installed in the water purifier is responsible for removing gases, chemicals contained in pesticides and insecticides.
  • Third step: A micron active carbon filter removes chlorine and substances larger than one micron, if anything has passed through the previous two filters.
  • The fourth step: Membrane filter (RO), which is basically the main filter of the household water purifier, is composed of several layers of semi-permeable membrane around a central tube, it traps all elements soluble in water (nitrate, lead, calcium, etc.) Purifies 80 to 98 percent. This filter has the ability to remove harmful elements up to one thousandth of a micron (organic and inorganic substances dissolved in water and microbiological pollutants) and also has the ability to remove water hardness.
  • The fifth stage: In this stage, the smell and taste that the water may have acquired after being in the tank for some time is lost.
  • Sixth stage: The UV filter installed in this stage is responsible for disinfecting the water by irradiating ultraviolet rays to the water.
 Lifetime  Function


Filter Type  Stage 
6 months Removes sediment and large particles from water Polypropylene(PP) Polypropylene(PP) 1
1 year Removes chlorine, taste, and odor from water. It can also remove some organic chemicals Active carbon Active carbon 2
1 year Removes arsenic and particles up to 5 microns Granular carbon Granular carbon 3
2 years Removes dissolved solids from water, including minerals, salts, and heavy metals. Reverse osmosis (RO) is the most common type of membrane water filter Granular carbon Membrane water 4
2 years Installed after a membrane filter to improve the taste and odor of water Granular carbon Post-carbon water 5
2 years Adds minerals back to water that a membrane filter has filtered Mineral water filter Mineral water filter 6
2 years Raises the pH of water to make it alkaline Alkaline water filter Alkaline water filter 7
2 years Kills bacteria and viruses in water Ultraviolet(UV) Ultraviolet(UV) 8

General performance of UV lamp in water purification

Ultraviolet rays (UV) The home water purifier consists of a reflective chamber and a lamp producing UV rays. By passing around this lamp, the water absorbs the ultraviolet rays and causes the destruction of pathogenic substances in the water. Bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms in the water are destroyed due to the absorption of the energy of the ultraviolet rays caused by the UV filter, and as a result, all Dangerous microorganisms in water are destroyed and their growth and reproduction are prevented. The UV lamp filter is a very effective filter in disinfecting and sterilizing the purified water coming out of the home water purifier.

What is reverse osmosis?

In fact, the main filter for removing harmful organic and chemical elements in water is the reverse osmosis filter. The reverse osmosis filter consists of several layers of semi-permeable membrane wrapped around a central tube. This membrane (membrane) has pores of 0.02 microns. Because water-soluble impurities are not able to pass through the pores of this membrane, therefore, on one side of the membrane, there will be pure water that enters the central pipe and is directed to the filtered water outlet.

On the other side of the membrane layers, there is impure water that is directed to the sewer. With the reverse osmosis method, microbial and chemical contaminations are reduced by 90 to 98%. Nitrate, arsenic, lead, mercury and other water-soluble impurities and harmful heavy metals are removed from the water at this stage.

Factors affecting the performance of the reverse osmosis system

  • Inlet water pressure
  • Water temperature
  • Type and amount of total dissolved solids (TDS) in tap water
  • The quality of the filters and membranes used in the RO system
  • It should also be noted that the reverse osmosis membrane filter is able to remove impurities and particles larger than 0.001 micron.

Buying a water purifier

Just like many other appliances that you buy for your home or workplace, be careful when buying a water purifier. You should examine the types of home water purifiers from different aspects such as the quality and number of water purification steps, compare the brands with each other and pay attention to the features, filtration type and performance of each one.
On the site of Demataheheez specialized collection, technical information of dozens of models of household water purifiers, from reputable brands with original warranty, has been presented for you to enjoy the good feeling of optimal and smart shopping.

Also note that in the specialized HVAC group of Damatajhiz, all the water purifier systems are only sold in bulk. Therefore, if you want to wholesale any of these products, feel free to contact us.

Price of water purifier

Different water purifiers have different prices according to the stages of purification, brand, quality and capacity, after searching and checking carefully and finding the product you need, you can proceed to purchase because all the water purifiers offered in Damatajhiz website have reasonable prices. and  the discounts desired by consumers have been included in these prices for wholesale purchase.

Installation location of the water purifier

The dimensions and volume of the water purifier are very important things that you should consider before buying it, and also pay attention to the space where you want to place the device. As mentioned before, water purifiers are produced in three types: under-sink, wall-mounted and desktop:

  • Under-sink household water purifier: it is the most widely used type. As it is known, this type of household water purifier is placed in the cabinet and under the sink and is not visible, and it also works with electricity.
  • Desktop Water Purifier: Desktop water purifiers are produced in two models, with and without a tank, a tankless water purifier is a small device that is installed on the faucet and gives you purified water whenever you open the faucet. But the type with a tank is such that you have to fill it after the water in the tank runs out. This model of water purifier has two types, electric and non-electric, which are selected according to the type of use.
  • Wall-mounted water purifier: The wall-mounted water purifier also functions like a desktop device, and some models can also be installed on the refrigerator, which are suitable for the summer season. Wall-mounted water purifiers are generally produced in an intelligent way, but there are also non-intelligent types.

Installation location of the water purifier

Inexpensive water purifier

Recently, there have been introduced in the market of water purification devices that are not of good quality and do not meet the necessary standards for the complete removal of pollutants and harmful substances in water. But due to the reasonable prices they have set for their sale, they may attract the opinion of some customers.
But the fact is that the water purifier is related to human health and the cost you pay for its purchase is an investment for you and your family. In order to achieve pure and clear water, the water purifier must have at least 5 main membrane filters, fiber filters, active carbon filters, solute filters, etc.

Selection and operation of the water purifier

  • Another point that is usually noticed by buyers of home water purifiers is the water capacity of the water purifier tank. It should be known that, firstly, the volume of the tank of the device has no relationship or effect on the device's ability, and secondly, the volume of the tank of the household water purifier should be only proportional to the consumption of the family. It is 3 to 5 liters, the maximum will be 6 liters so that the water in the tank of the device is used at least once a day and replaced with fresh water.
  • Household water purification requires regular and continuous care to maintain its performance. Among the things that are very important in maintaining the proper functioning of all types of household water purification devices is the timely replacement of cartridge filters, reverse osmosis membranes and other possible cases that are mentioned in the manual. It is mentioned for the use of water purification devices.
  • In order to choose the right water purifier, check things such as the dimensions and sizes of the device, the place of installation and operation of the home water purifier (under the kitchen sink, on the wall, kitchen counter, etc.), the duration of changing or washing the filter, the installation cost. It is recommended to set up and replace the filter, warranty conditions and after-sales service of the water purifier.
  • The time to change the filters of water purification devices is different according to the type of water hardness in different regions of the country, during the installation, the necessary and required explanations about when and how to change the filter are provided to the dear consumer by the installer of the device.
  • Buying a quality water purifier is a guarantee of your health and the cost you pay to buy it is actually your investment for the health of your family. Water purification is not a choice but one of the necessities of providing health in families. Don't waste your money by buying cheap and low-quality water purifiers, and by making the right choice, install the right water purifier at home, and you will be relieved of the cost you have paid, and you will be satisfied with the after-sales service. Be satisfied with the sale of your purchased item.

Purchase order and warranty of water purifier

The price of all the water purifiers offered in the specialized collection of temperature equipment is up-to-date and the discounts desired by the consumers have been included in these prices. So that these prices also include the best price guarantee section of Dematahheiz website, an official member of the heating and air conditioning equipment sellers' union. (Refer to the guarantee of the best prices section of the Dematazhiz website).
If, after reading the above material, you need more questions to decide on the purchase of table water purifiers, under-sinks, faucets, etc., you can get advice after contacting Demathezizaz, the sales experts of the home and office equipment department. Ask your questions.
In the reference site and store of Dematahheiz, technical information and guaranteed prices of all types of water purifiers, from reputable brands with original warranty, have been presented for you, dear ones, to enjoy the good feeling of optimal and smart shopping.

Water transparency and clarity

The use of a home water treatment system can help you stay fit, improve the quality and taste of your food and beverages, enhance your digestion, hydrate your skin, eliminate toxins, and more. Thus, one of the most interesting benefits of water purifiers is that the water they produce can be used to prepare tea and coffee, improving the taste of tea, coffee and food.

Water transparency and clarity in the kitchen Water transparency and clarity in making coffe

Final speech

The specialized collection (DamaTajhiz HVAC Group) (the first and most reliable authority in the country in the field of building facilities equipment and all air conditioning devices), offers you all kinds of sand filters and hundreds of other products, guaranteeing the originality of the product, valid warranty, and reasonable price. In addition, if you have any questions about choosing and comparing the brands of this product, you can get free advice from the heating equipment experts.

In Iran, the first and most famous specialized group in the field of building installation equipment, air conditioners, and all equipment for swimming pools, saunas, and jacuzzis since 2004, DamaTajhiz HVAC is a specialized group. Refer to the time of this group. For more information, you can get advice from the experts of DamaTajhiz HVAC Engineering and Production Company by calling +98 21 88822550.

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Active filters

Xinode box-shaped water purifier CX110

Xinode Water Purifier CX110

  • Filters type: post carbon filter, 1 and 5 microns fiber filter, RO membrane, mineral filter, carbon activated powder filter
  • Installation: under-sink, on-counter
  • Has a powerful pump with minimum noise
  • Small and easy to clean
Price $310
  • On sale!
Healtool water purifier Uranus

Healtool water purifier Uranus

  • Filtration capacity: 15 liters per hour
  • Storage source capacity: 7 liters
  • Types of filters: sediment - activated carbon - post carbon
  • How to install: under-sink
  • Weight: 10.700 kg
Price $165
  • On sale!
Xinode water purifier AXS-105HB

Xinode Water Purifier AXS-105HB

  • Filters type: carbon block, fiber filter, RO membrane, mineral filter, carbon activated powder filter
  • Installation: under-sink
  • Equipped with: steel lever valve - 15-liter tank
  • Requirement: an electrical system for automatic device
  • Ready to use even while electricity outage
  • Has a powerful pump
Price $173
  • On sale!

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