Split AC Unit, Portable and Standing Split AC Unit

If you want to choose and buy portable and standing split AC units in bulk, you should be aware of the different types, sizes, and brands available. You need to calculate the correct cost. Here, you will find the best information for choosing different types of split ac units for wholesale purchase.

A Guide to Selecting Different Types of Portable and Standing Split AC Units

New equipment is used to bring the ambient temperature to a comfortable temperature; without any doubt, the split AC units are one of the best options!
Air conditioning means controlling and regulating the temperature and humidity of the air as well as reducing dust or other contaminations, which is exactly what a split AC unit does. Therefore, people are more prone to use wall-mounted, portable, standing (large), and window-split AC units than old ceiling fans.

How to calculate the right capacity of a split AC unit

To calculate the approximate capacity of the proper split AC unit In hot and non-tropical weather conditions (Tehran, Isfahan, Mashhad, Karaj, Semnan, Shiraz, Kermanshah, Khorramabad, Kabul, Mazar-i-Sharif, Mosul, Kirkuk, Erbil, Sulaymaniyah, Aleppo, etc., cities) consider about 400 to 600 BTU, per square meter in the middle floor of the building. For the floors under the rooftop, about 600 to 800 BTU per square meter of the infrastructure (due to the direct sunlight on the rooftop).

For example, 9,000 BTU split for a 12-meter room, 12,000 BTU split for a 17-meter area, 18,000 BTU split for a 25-meter area, 24,000 BTU split for a 40-meter hallway, and 32,000 BTU split for a 45-meters hallway.

For larger convenience, refer to the pre-calculated, guided table below to see the approximate calculation and determination of the capacity (based on the above calculations).

Split AC unit Capacity (BTU) For units under the roof (m2) For other Floors (m2)
9000 till 12 till 15
12000 till 17 till 22
18000 till 25 till 35
24000 till 34 till 45
32000 till 45 till 64
45000 standing till 55 till 75
60000 standing till 75 till 100
90000 standing till 110 till 150

If you need to choose and buy a split AC unit for hot-dry climate cities (Zahedan, Zabul, Yazd, Kerman, Baghdad, Najaf, Karbala, Riyadh, Madinah, etc.) or hot-humid climate cities (Ahvaz, Abadan, Bandar Abbas, Kish, Chabahar, Doha, Bushehr, Bandar Mah Shahr, Basra, Karachi, Sharjah, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Sana'a, Jeddah, etc.).

Based on the temperature conditions of the desired location, contact one of our HVAC advisors at DamaTajhiz Customer Service. In addition to choosing the right split AC unit with tropical compressors and condensers, Gold Fin or Blue Fin evaporators, You should consider about 20 to 30% of the cooling capacity of your required cooler higher than the above table.

In the continuation of this article, the features of tropical split AC units are mentioned.

The capacity of Portable and Standing Split AC Units and the concept of BTU

Another thing that should be considered when buying split AC units is their capacity, measured in terms of BTU; for example, an 18000 Split AC unit has a capacity of 18000 BTU.

BTU (British Thermal Unit) is the standard unit for measuring heat energy in air conditioning equipment, which is standardly defined as the amount of heat that can raise the temperature of one link of water at one atmosphere pressure to one degree Fahrenheit. (For example; from 60°F to 61°F).

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Important Factors to Consider When choosing a split AC unit

The next parameter to keep in mind when buying a split AC unit is paying attention to whether the operation of the compressor or motor is normal or inverter. Modern split AC units use variable-speed motor technology called an inverter, which results in better temperature control and reduces electricity consumption.

In this type of split AC, constantly adjusting and changing the compressor speed, the refrigerant flow rate, the air conditioner's capacity, and the room temperature. The operation of the motor of regular AC is only on or off, and the speed of operation of the air conditioner motor or compressor cannot be changed; that is, the compressor of normal AC is either stopped or working at full power.

This reduces the device's lifespan and uses more electricity every time the device's about to start. This becomes more critical when using a high-capacity split AC unit (especially 24,000 capacity and higher). We recommend choosing an inverter or low-consumption split AC unit, especially in capacities of 18,000, 24,000, and higher.

Split AC Unit

Note: If you want your AC unit to use as little electricity as possible, please consider these factors.

  1. Set the temperature of the split AC unit between 24 and 25 degrees.
  2. Use split inverter coolers.
  3. Do not install the internal panel of the split AC unit too high and place it at 2.2 meters from the ground.
  4. Wash the internal panel filter of your AC unit every 3 months.
  5. Place a suitable canopy for your cooler's outdoor unit or condenser.

Allowed Distance Between the Indoor Panel and the Outdoor Unit

When choosing a split AC unit, regardless of the type or the brand, you need to pay attention to the distance between the internal panel that is placed indoors (either horizontal or vertical), the external unit (condenser), in addition to the diameters of the place, and the required AC capacity.

Suppose the total length of the connecting pipes between the internal panel and the external unit exceeds the specified value (for each air conditioner capacity). In that case, it will result in a sharp decrease in the efficiency and performance of the device. For example:

  • In 9000 C split AC units, the permissible length of the connecting pipes between the indoor panel and the outdoor unit is about 6 meters.
  • In 12000 C units, about 10 meters.
  • In 18000 C units, the permissible length is about 12 meters
  • In 24000 C units, about 15 meters.
  • In 32000 C units, the permissible length of the connecting pipes between the indoor and outdoor units is about 18 meters.
  • In 40,000 to 90,000 C units, the proper length of the connection pipes between the vertical internal panel and the external condenser of the device is about 20 to 25 meters.

What is a Room Split AC Unit?

Split AC units are one of the subsets of air conditioning equipment that work with electricity and refrigerant gas. However, in terms of components and cooling systems, split AC units are completely different from those old ACs and cooling systems. Generally, all split AC units work based on the compressing and cycling of the refrigeration gases.

In such a way, the refrigerant liquid is first cooled down in the outer part of the outer panel of the AC (condenser), then transferred into the expansion valve through the copper pipe, and from there. After that, it enters the coil of the inner panel (evaporator) as a refrigerant gas to absorb the ambient heat. After passing through the coils of the inner panel, the indoor air gives its heat to the cooling material and turns the air pleasant, bringing comfort to the residents (To see comprehensive information about split AC units, you can refer to the articles section of the DamaTajhiz HVAC Group).

Note: According to some people, a split AC unit is a cooler that works with refrigerant gas, not regular urban gas!

Types of split AC units

Split AC units are divided into four main categories: window split AC units, portable split AC units, wall split AC units, and standing split AC units, each of which is as follows:

Window split AC units

The window air conditioning unit is the simplest type, which has always been designed and manufactured as a box. This means the compressor and the control panel are placed together in a single piece. These air conditioning units have a compact design and are often installed on the room window, and you must have seen them many times. This is why they are called window air conditioners. Installing a window air conditioner is very simple. All you need to do is determine its location and prepare the place for installation, and after placing the window air conditioner in the designated place, connect the unit's plug to the electrical outlet.

As you may be aware, the window air conditioner unit needs access to the outside environment to push the hot air out of the back of the unit. Window air conditioners are usually manufactured and supplied in capacities from 9000 to 24000 and are best used in environments of less than 50 square meters.

Buying a window split AC unit

Portable split AC unit

A portable split AC unit is an all-in-one device like a window split AC unit. As the name refers, these ACs are portable and not attached to the wall or ceiling. In some cases, they have wheels, making moving them around easier. Small portable split AC units suit small environments such as bedrooms, offices, and small shops. Medium portable split AC units are suitable for commercial offices and medium-sized rooms.

Portable split AC units are placed on the ground, and setting them up does not require special skills as it is done by connecting a single-phase electric cord to it and directing a flexible pipe with a diameter of 15 cm outside, which takes the ambient heat out from the back of the device. Portable split AC units are made in single-pipe and double-pipe exhaust. In addition to removing heat from the environment, double tubes replace fresh air, which is cheaper than single-exhaust ones.

portable split ac unit

Ducted Split AC Unit

In general, the main function of gas air conditioners, as one of the types of HVAC systems, is to cool places such as residential houses, villas, offices, shops, etc., with relatively small useful areas. The new generation of these air conditioners, with higher efficiency and more beautiful appearance, are called split gas air conditioners or wall-mounted splits, among the most popular and best-selling gas air conditioners. These units consist of two parts: the indoor and outdoor units. The indoor unit is installed inside the home (in the rooms), and the outdoor unit is installed and placed on the terrace or roof.

The connection between these two parts is made by two copper pipes, flow, and return, which are fully insulated. The operation of these units is such that cool and comfortable air enters the rooms through the indoor unit so that the heat inside the building (from different rooms) is absorbed by the refrigeration cycle in the indoor unit. Then, the refrigerant gas enters the outdoor unit through the compressor and transfers this heat to the outside environment by circulating in the condenser.

Ducted Split AC Unit

Wall Mounted split AC units

These types of ACs consist of two units, an internal and an external unit. The external unit consists of a compressor and a condenser installed outside the building. The indoor unit (evaporator) is placed inside, mainly on the wall. Two copper pipes connect these two units.

Wall split ACs are the most popular type of AC due to their greater efficiency and effectiveness, with the possibility of providing simultaneous cooling, heating, and low noise (due to the compressor being installed outside the building). Wall split AC units are produced and supplied in capacities of 9000 up to 32000. It should be noted that the best type of split AC units of 18,000 and higher are new inverters or low-consumption coolers.

wall mounted split ac unit

Standing Split AC Units

A standing split AC unit consists of two internal units (like wall split AC units), the evaporator, and external units (compressor and condenser) connected through a copper pipe and perform cooling and heating operations. These two products differ in the installation steps and the indoor unit's location, which is placed on the floor. Standing split AC units are used in places such as halls, mosques, stores, large restaurants, banks, and environments that have large areas. Standing splits are usually manufactured and supplied in various capacities, from 45,000 to 90,000 (BUT/Hr).

standing split ac unit

Note: When buying a standing split AC unit, in addition to the capacity and dimensions of the internal panel and external condenser of the device, you should also pay attention to the type of electricity consumption required (single phase or 3 phases).

What is the Inverter Technology in Used Split AC Units?

Let us assume that in July and August, when the temperature in cities like Tehran, Mashhad, Isfahan, Shiraz, Kermanshah, Sulaymaniyah, Mosul, Kirkuk, Erbil, Kabul, Mazar-e-Sharif, etc., reaches up to about 40 degrees Celsius, the motor or your air conditioner compressor is working almost constantly to provide the desired and desirable temperature of 24 degrees.

With these conditions, it still cannot be said that the amount of electricity consumed every time the engine starts reduces by 60% as claimed! (Simply due to the conversion of city alternating current to DC and the slow start of the inverter compressor cycle).

On the other hand, considering the intensity of electricity consumption (amps) when starting the split AC above 24000 (15 amps) and the electric shock resulting from each engine start, it is recommended for capacities higher than 18000 BTU split AC units, not even in ducted splits. And this is why you should use an inventor split AC unit.

However, as we have already said, setting the temperature at 25 degrees Celsius is always better to effectively reduce AC units' electricity consumption. This action will turn off or reduce the intermittent speed of the device's communications and reduce your electricity consumption. Setting the temperature of the split to 25-degree devices providing the desired air conditions is accepted by experts as the most effective solution for reducing the consumption and cost of electricity in all split AC units.

Do Inverter Split Units Have A Low Power Consumption?

Of course, inverter split AC units, with the ability to start slowly and change the speed of the compressor or cooler motor, have the EEI energy rating of A with the lowest electricity consumption.

Splits with an A rating have lower electricity consumption than grade B-rated ones and are naturally less electricity-friendly than regular ACs. However, the advertisement of the companies that import or produce inverter AC units, about 60% power reduction has never been proven!

Types of split AC units based on geographical location and weather conditions

In general, split AC units are divided into three main groups of weather conditions, each of which can perform better in certain geographical conditions and meet the needs of consumers:

Moderate-class split AC unit

These split AC units, known as T1 splits, can be used in the climate of Iran, such as the central and northern regions of Iran. These ACs can perform best at temperatures between 18 and 43 degrees Celsius.

Cold-class split AC unit

These split AC units, also known as T2 splits, are suitable for cold areas such as Tabriz, Sanandaj, Yerevan, Ankara, Samarkand, Ashgabat, etc. T2 splits are the best and most efficient for temperatures 10 to 35 degrees Celsius.

Tropical-class split AC unit

Tropical split AC units, AKA T3 splits, are used in scorching and humid areas (such as the southern regions of Iran or the cities of Ahvaz, Abadan, Bandar Abbas, Chabahar, Dubai, Muscat, Doha, Sharjah, Basra, Baghdad, Abu Dhabi, Sanaa, Etc.) And can drop the temperature to the desired conditions. These splits can perform well in high temperatures from 21 to 57 degrees Celsius.

Features of a tropical split AC unit

Tropical wall-mounted ACs, or tropical split AC units, have unique features compared to regular split AC units, which are as follows:

  • The most obvious feature of a tropical split AC unit is its compressor type. The compressor of these split AC units works in a way that performs very well despite the high temperature of the air outside. Generally, scroll or piston compressors are used in this type of split AC unit.
  • Tropical split AC units (tropical wall splits) are generally equipped with inverter system technology to increase the lifespan of the device's compressor and prevent the increase in electricity consumption in these tropical regions. In the case of devices' slow service and basic maintenance, the high durability and longevity of the devices equipped with the inverter system will not have any extra cost for the buyers for many years.
  • Evaporator and condenser coils in tropical split AC units are usually Blue Fin or Gold Fin. There is always a lot of acid salt in the air and rainwater in these areas (very hot and humid). Moisture and salts can accumulate on the coil's surface and negatively affect the split AC unit's overall performance (including the possibility of gas coils). Evaporator and condenser coils being equipped with Blue Fin or Gold Fin epoxy coating prevents the accumulation of acid salt and moisture on the coil.
  • Although this AC is designed and built for temperatures of 21 to 57 degrees Celsius, it can also be used in temperate regions.
  • All 3 types of compressors manufacture split AC units; only piston and scroll compressors are used in thermal split AC units, and the rotary compressor does not have this capability.

Internal view of the condenser of the split AC unit

How does a split AC unit work?

Some split AC units are only for hitting, while others function as a cooler. Other types can heat up and cool down the environment in different months of the year. LIKE OTHER AIR CONDITIONERS, split AC units with these two functions consist of 6 main parts: compressor, expansion valve, capillary tube, condenser, evaporator (internal panel), four-way valve, and refrigerant gas.

How the split AC unit works (heating mode)

The refrigerant gas inside the device's compressor must be heated first and then sent to the evaporator (internal panel) through a four-way device. In this case, unlike the cooling mode, the refrigerant does not enter the condenser.

The evaporator consists of aluminum plates and copper pipes. The entry of the heated refrigerant causes the heat up of plates, pipes, and air from the panel. As a result, the environment heats up very quickly.

Note: In most AC systems, when you put the split in "heating mode", you must wait about 3 minutes for the AC to blow hot air.

How the split AC unit works (cooling mode)

In cooling mode, the AC's refrigerant (cooling gas) compacts inside the compressor and goes to the condenser with pressure, then loses heat in the condenser and becomes liquid. Then, the liquid passes through the capillary tube (expansion valve) and has a severe pressure drop. As a result of this pressure drop, the refrigerant's temperature drops sharply and goes to the evaporator inlet of the AC.

The refrigerant in the ambient temperature turns it into a gas again; therefore, the refrigerant is cooled down by turning the liquid into gas in the evaporator (as an endothermic reaction).

Then, it gives its cold to the environment, and the air enters the indoor unit from one side with the rotation of the internal fan impeller. It is directed to the outside after passing through the cooled evaporator tubes. Finally, the vaporized refrigerant in the evaporator is sucked again by the compressor, and the process continues in a loop.

Types of Compressors in Portable and Standing Split AC Units

Usually, three types of compressors are used in almost every split AC unit, and we will briefly describe each one in the following:

  1. Piston compressor: These compressors are mostly used in southern and tropical areas. Piston compressors use more energy than other compressors and are usually produced in capacities of 12,000, 18,000, and 24,000 BTU.
  2. Rotary compressor: Rotary compressors are produced in two types: Regular Rotary compressor and T3 Rotary compressor. At the same time, the regular one suits the weather in Tehran or the northern cities. At the same time, the T3 model is suitable for tropical regions. Compared to piston compressors, these compressors have lower energy consumption, less noise from the operation, and more efficiency. They are usually produced and supplied in capacities of 7000 to 36000 BTU.
  3. Scroll compressor: These compressors have more efficiency and capacity than piston and rotary compressors. The scroll or spiral compressor is a new generation of split AC unit compressors produced with a capacity of 30,000+ BTU. Therefore, they have a higher price.

For more information about the different types of split AC compressors, refer to the article "What is a split AC unit compressor?" Or the blog of DamaTajhiz HVAC Group.

The MODE button on the remote control of the split AC unit

It has been a while since almost every AC system comes with a remote control, making the device much easier to use, such as turning it on and off, etc. The appearance, the location of the buttons, and the presence of some options may differ in the remote control of different models (except for the Power button). The MODE button is also common to all remote controls of these devices. But what does it do?

The MODE button adjusts and changes different operation modes of the AC. By pressing the MODE button every time, you can change the operation of the device to one of the following modes.

  • COOLING MODE: As the name refers, it blows out chilly air.
  • HEATING MODE: Blows out hot air.
  • DRY MODE: Dehumidification function.
  • FAN MODE: This mode only circulates the ambient air and does not affect the temperature.
  • AUTO MODE: In this mode, the device automatically performs the cooling or heating function to provide moderate-temperature air in the environment.

How to disassemble and clean the internal panel filter of the split AC unit

The power consumption & other costs of the Portable and Standing Split AC Unit

Energy label of split AC units

Due to the operation of the air conditioner compressor, this equipment uses a considerable amount of electricity. The reputable manufacturers of ACs have partially reduced the energy consumption by using new tech. Low-consumption inverter compressors. However, some still believe the split AC unit has relatively high electricity consumption.

Reducing the power consumption of the split AC units depends on several factors. The following instructions can be used to control the electricity consumption:

  • The most effective way to reduce the electricity consumption of a split AC unit is to set the device's temperature between 24 and 26 degrees Celsius.
  • If the temperature is not too hot, use the fan mode device so that the compressor (the main cause of the high electricity bill) will not function.
  • Annual and timely split AC unit service (including gas charging, cleaning and maintenance of filters, etc.) also significantly impacts the device's efficiency and reduces its electricity consumption.
  • Principled installation of the internal panel is about 2.2 meters from the floor, and compliance with the standard distance between the external unit and the internal panel of the split AC unit is one of the effective factors in improving performance and reducing the device's power consumption!
  • Opening the door or the windows makes the device work harder to cool the environment to high electricity consumption.
    Finally, turning off the AC unit when the place is not in use will save you a lot of money.

DamaTajhiz HVAC Group; The best prices and brands of construction equipment

Buying a Split AC Unit

The first step in buying a split AC unit is to check the dimensions of the room and the AC capacity. This is because, as mentioned above, split AC units are manufactured and supplied in different types with different cooling, heating, and ventilation capacities. The first step is to calculate the size of the room. This will help you choose the right model and cooling capacity at a reasonable price. Secondly, consider the energy consumption, features, brand, and benefits of the split A/C unit.

On the DamaTajhiz HVAC Group, technical information on dozens of models of split AC units from all types of reliable brands with original warranties has been presented for you to enjoy the good feeling of optimal and smart wholesale shopping.
Also note that in the specialized HVAC group of Damatajhiz, all the air conditioner units are only sold in bulk. Therefore, if you want to wholesale any of the split AC unit products, feel free to contact us.

The Best Price for the Split AC Unit

The price of split AC units differs based on the type of capacity and the manufactured brand. Unfortunately, sometimes buyers are deceived by the low price of contraband and non-original devices. Contraband devices do not have a valid and reliable warranty or after-sales service.

If you want to buy wholesale, It should be noted that every split AC unit on the DamaTajhiz HVAC Group has a product identifier and a reasonable price, and there are discounts for many of the products, so stay sharp.

What is the EER Concept?

EER means "the Energy Efficiency Ratio," and the criterion makes it possible to understand how much electrical energy the" AC converts into heat or cold. The higher the EER (closer to A), the lower the power usage; therefore, the better the device. Combining higher EER and a more suitable inverter in a split AC unit can provide an electrical device with lower consumption and better efficiency.

Dear Users:

While thanking you for your trust in the technical opinions of the DamaTajhiz sales experts, it should be noted that the choice of the desired product brand based on the capacity, history, brand strength, service, and product price is ultimately determined by the buyer. But in split AC units, most users and buyers choose best-selling brands such as LG, Hisense, Green, Iran Radiator, G Plus, etc., due to their quality, price, And after-sales services.

If, after reading the above article, you have more questions about deciding on the purchase of split AC units, you can contact the experts of the air conditioning equipment department after contacting the DamaTajhiz HVAC Group and extension numbers 117-119-120-126-317 Get advice and ask your questions.

Since DamaTajhiz HVAC Group, as an official member of the Heating and Air Conditioning Dealers Union, provides all kinds of air conditioners and splits in the Middle East region, if you need a Room Split AC Units for any of the countries in the region, you can place your purchase order with Reassurance, product warranty and reasonable price to our sales experts.

" Buy with confidence and peace of mind from DamaTajhiz HVAC Group."

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Tech Electric Split Air Conditioner BTS-UNF-12HR

  1. Functions: heating and cooling
  2. For an area of 17-22 m2 (depending on situations)
  3. Energy grade: A
  4. R410a refrigerant gas with a rotary compressor + It has 5 meters of free pipe
  5. Suitable for areas with moderate climates
Warranty :

5 years Badr Tech Electric warranty

Warranty terms :

18 months warranty for technical parts since installation 
5 Years Replacement Compressor warranty

after-sale Services :

10 years after-sale Services

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