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Pool, Sauna, and Spa Equipment
As you know, operating and using a swimming pool, sauna, and jacuzzi requires equipment that provides clean, clear, and appropriately heated water and amenities such as lighting etc. The following are the essentials for a swimming pool, sauna, and jacuzzi. Please stay with us for more information...
Pool, Sauna, and Hot Tub Equipment Specialized Center
Generally, swimming pool, sauna, and hot tub equipment encompass a wide range of tools. This equipment includes everything from water purification and disinfection systems, water pressure and circulation systems, and heating and dehumidifiers to accessories such as pool lights, loungers, awnings, diving boards, and more.
For example, in the realm of water purification and disinfection systems, the equipment for swimming pools, saunas, and jacuzzis includes various sand filters, cartridge filters, diatomaceous earth filters, different water purification systems, various chlorinators, manual, semi-automatic, and even robotic pool cleaners, UV lamps, and ozone generators from brands like Impex, Hayward, Prozone, Omni, and others.
All these products are presented with comprehensive descriptions and related equipment in the DamaTajhiz HVAC store.
Furthermore, regarding pressure and circulation equipment for swimming pools, saunas, and hot tubs, there are various filtration pumps, jet pumps, ring blowers, and infinity pool systems from brands like IML, Impex, and PSH.
Various pool and spa water heaters, as well as electric and gas sauna heaters, are also essential equipment for swimming pools, saunas, and hot tubs. These are available in different brands and capacities, with comprehensive descriptions and capacity estimations provided in the DamaTajhiz HVAC store.
Review, Selection, and Pricing of HVAC Equipment
Different Types of Pool, Sauna, and Hot Tub Filters
Swimming pool and jacuzzi filtration systems are typically sand filters with large tanks made of fiberglass or metal, containing a thick bed of special sand or silica.
Like pumps and pool water purification packages, they are among the most essential equipment and supplies needed for a swimming pool.
The way these systems work is that the water enters the sand filter from the top and flows downwards, passing through the silica or sand.
The fine sand particles absorb impurities and physical contaminants, and at the end of the tank, the purified and clear water exits the filter. Over time, and due to the clogging of the pores inside the sand filter, the water flow rate in the sand filter decreases.
The pressure gauges at the filter inlet and outlet can be used to observe the pressure difference and the amount of flow reduction, and if necessary, the filter silica can be backwashed or even emptied and replaced.
Types of swimming pool filters are divided into three categories:
- Sand pool filter
- Cartridge pool filter
- Diatomaceous earth (DE) pool filter
In some public pools, diatomaceous earth filters or cartridge filters are used instead of sand filters.
To review, estimate the capacity, and choose the types of pool sand filters for your private and public villas or apartments, please refer to the complete descriptions and related products in the DamaTajhiz HVAC store.
Different Types of Pool, Sauna, and Hot Tub Pumps
The heart of the swimming pool water filtration system is the pool pump. The swimming pool filtration pump passes the water exiting the system through the filter and returns it to the pool basin.
Before the pump, there is a strainer to collect leaves and other possible remaining objects that may cause the pump impeller to malfunction or damage.
Swimming pool water filtration pumps can be considered one of the most essential pool equipment; undoubtedly, the proper selection and installation of this pool equipment should be a priority for designers and builders, as other pool equipment is overshadowed by the installation and implementation of this important equipment.
Pool and jacuzzi water must be circulated in a filtration system to remove dirt and contaminants. In a conventional design model, water is sucked from two or more outlets at the bottom of the pool and the skimmer installed at the edge of the pool by the suction of the swimming pool filtration pump and directed to the pump and then to the swimming pool water filtration filter, and after passing through the filtration system, it is thrown back into the pool basin or jacuzzi through the nozzles.
Please refer to the DamaTajhiz HVAC store for complete descriptions and related products and to browse, estimate the capacity, and choose the required swimming pool pump.
Different Types of Pool Filtration Systems (Filter Packs)
In the absence of a plumbing system and water treatment for the pool, using a pool water filter pack can not only circulate the stagnant water of the pool but also separate the suspended particles present in the pool water.
In general, pool filtration systems are mainly designed and manufactured in three types: Tpaks, underground package, and Top filter (surface package), each having its specific application.
If your pool does not have a motor room and water treatment system, please refer to the products offered in the pool water filtration systems category of the DamaTajhiz HVAC store for more information on the types of pool water filter packs in terms of operation, efficiency, capacity, and product selection.
Tpaks Filtration System
The Tpaks pool water filtration system consists of a pump, a sand filter on a fixed chassis, along with connection kits and connecting pipes, designed specifically for filtering the water of small pools, jacuzzis, cold water basins, and temporary inflatable pools.
Underground Pool Filter Pack
The underground pool water filter pack is a very suitable alternative for the motor room of open and covered pools with a volume of up to 100 cubic meters (the underground package is produced and offered in various models and capacities based on the needs of users and projects according to the capacity of the pools).
To view products and complete explanations for reviewing, estimating capacity, and selecting various pool water filtration systems, please refer to the product section of the DamaTajhiz HVAC store.
Top Filter Pack
This type of pool filter pack is designed for those pools that do not have any plumbing or treatment circuit considered at their bottom and surface, in other words, they are like large basins that swimmers use.
Different Types of Pool Shock and Sanitation
In addition to filtering suspended particles in the water, chemicals must also be injected into it to disinfect and balance the water chemistry:
Dangerous pathogens such as bacteria and fungi are present in the water. Pools are places where disease-causing microorganisms can be transmitted from one person to another.
Water with an incorrect chemical balance can also damage different parts of the pool body. Also, an improper chemical balance of the water can irritate the skin and eyes of people and swimmers.
So there must be a pool shock and sanitation system to eliminate these pathogens. The common disinfectant for pools is chlorine, which exists in the form of the chemical compounds "calcium hypochlorite" (solid) and "sodium hypochlorite" (liquid).
When a new substance or contamination enters the water, chlorine reacts with it in the form of various chemical compounds, including "hypochlorous acid." Hypochlorous acid destroys bacteria and pathogens by destroying their enzyme structure.
Among pool equipment, pool water sock and sanitation equipment is one of the items that should always be considered and used continuously, and the consumer should be fully aware of the existence, continuous operation, and health of this equipment.
Pool water shock and sanitation equipment includes:
- Chlorine tablet
- Inline chlorinator
- Automation injection pump
- Dosing pump
- Test kit
- Pool water pH increaser
- Pool water pH reducer
- Floating chlorine tablet baskets
These are usually used in home or villa pools by placing enzyme-containing chlorine tablets in the skimmer and floating basket of the pool water and using the circulating pump and the corresponding sand filter with calculated capacity and performance, you will have clean and clear water in the pool.
Different Types of Pool Cleaners
Pool cleaners are accessories for keeping pool water clean, responsible for collecting and cleaning heavy suspended and settled materials in the water of public and private open and indoor pools.
By using a pool cleaner, you no longer need to empty the pool water due to algae growing on the walls and floor of the pool and any settled contamination that has not been collected by the drain (in pools that have a filtration circuit).
Due to the presence of suspended particles, dirt, insects, leaves, etc., especially in the environment of open pools (private and public), it is better to collect and clean the settled materials at the bottom of the pool at least twice a month with a manual, semi-automatic, or fully automatic pool cleaner. There are three different types of pool cleaners:
Manual Pool Cleaner
The manual pool cleaner comes in two models without a filter (open circuit type in which the water drawn by the cleaner is not returned directly to the pool, but this water enters the skimmer and after being filtered, it is returned to the pool bowl (and if there is no skimmer and pool filtration system, it is directed to sewage, waste, garden, etc.).
Another type of manual pool cleaner with a filter (closed circuit type in which the water drawn from the pool by the cleaner pump is directed to the filter, which is usually sandy and is installed on the chassis of the manual pool cleaner, and after filtration, the water can be returned to the pool) is also used.
It is better to use a pool cleaner with a filter to prevent water waste from pools, or to insert the water hose coming out of the manual pool cleaner into the suction part of the pool skimmer.
Semi-Automatic Pool Cleaner
Simply connect this pool cleaner to the pool filtration pump or skimmer and place it on the floor of your pool so that it moves to all parts of the pool (dynamically) using the pump and its pulling force and collects all the particles from the bottom part, which is designed to collect contamination and settled particles of the pool, and after finishing the work, take it out of the pool.
Please refer to the related products in the DamaTajhiz HVAC store to browse and select the pool cleaner you need.
Fully-Automatic or Robotic Pool Cleaner
The fully automatic or robotic pool cleaner, with its smart and interesting performance, in addition to having a powerful motor (pump), has a lightweight and portable body and automatically moves on vertical and horizontal surfaces on the floor and walls of the pool and performs cleaning operations without the need for an operator.
Robotic pool cleaner with a special design and the use of suction sand instead of wheels can move automatically and clean the floor and walls of the pool, and by sucking the water from the floor and walls of the pool into itself and filtering it using internal cartridge filters and sending the water back into the pool prevent water wastage.
Different Types of Pool and Spa Water Heaters
In many private (apartment) swimming pools, an independent heating system AKA pool heater is used to provide water heating to the standard temperature of 26 - 29 degrees Celsius for the pool water heating and 40 degrees Celsius for the jacuzzi water heating and to provide hot water for the services and showers.
It is worth noting that excessive increases in the pool water temperature will increase the evaporation rate and increase the relative humidity in the pool environment. This factor will also cause erosion and damage to the equipment in the indoor pool area.
Pool and spa water heating methods are:
- A boiler (cast iron or steel) and a pool heat exchanger (shell and tube or plate heat exchanger)
- An electric heater (without the need for a boiler room)
- A gas combi boiler specifically designed for pool water heating
- A solar pool water heater (directly and indirectly),
- A pool heat exchanger
To browse and select the heating equipment or heating of your private and public pool, please refer to the products and complete related descriptions in the specialized collection of Damatajhiz.
Different Types of Jet Pumps
Spa and hot tub jet pumps are used to pump water at high pressure into the Jacuzzi. While a low-speed pump is used to circulate water in normal mode, filter, and heat the water, it is obvious that in the second situation, a filter is also used in the water flow path to filter the water.
Different Types of Pool Lights
Pool lights are available in two models: surface-mounted (without a bowl) and recessed (with a bowl), with diameters of 10, 15, 20, and 30 centimeters, and with single-color halogen bulbs as well as LED and SMD bulbs in both single-color and multi-color options, produced and offered with varying light intensities.
The advantage of LED and SMD swimming pool lights over their halogen counterparts is that, firstly, they do not generate much heat, so if the pool is empty, these lights will not be damaged, and secondly, they have a longer lifespan. Additionally, LED and SMD swimming pool lights come in a variety of colors.
To browse and select the necessary lights for your pool and jacuzzi, please refer to the relevant products along with their complete descriptions in the DamaTajhiz HVAC store.
Different Types of Sauna Heaters and Steamers
Dry sauna heaters can be divided into two categories: electric sauna heaters that operate with electrical energy (using special elements) or gas sauna heaters that operate with gas or diesel fuel (consisting of a boiler and a gas burner, dual-fuel, diesel).
In both types of dry sauna heaters, sauna stones are used to store heat, which, in addition to the beauty it adds to the interior of the sauna room, allows the user to pour essential oils (eucalyptus) onto the heater.
This is because it is not possible to pour essential oils directly onto the furnace tray (gas dry sauna heater) or the element (electric dry sauna heater).
Sauna steamers are also divided into two groups: electric sauna heaters that are usually installed behind the steam sauna wall and gas sauna steamers that can be installed at a greater distance and in the engine room.
To browse and select various electric and gas sauna heaters, please refer to the related products along with the complete descriptions provided in the DamaTajhiz HVAC store.
Different Types of Pool Dehumidifiers
The ambient air can cause the growth of toxic algae and also severe damage to building materials in the pool environment (especially indoor heated pools) due to its moisture and humidity.
An indoor swimming pool can provide happy and enjoyable moments, but evaporation from the water's surface can cause structural problems. Exposure to high humidity of walls, decorations, as well as floors and ground surfaces causes the materials used to be quickly destroyed. For these reasons, pool dehumidifiers are used in indoor pool environments.
To browse, estimate the capacity, and choose different types of pool dehumidifiers, please refer to the relevant products along with their complete descriptions in the DamaTajhiz HVAC store.
Different Types of Pool Ladders and Handrails
Pool ladders and handrails are essential for the operation of the pool and make it easier for swimmers to get out of the pool. In pools longer than 10 meters, it is better to use two pool ladders (one in the deep end and one in the shallow end), and in pools shorter than 10 meters, one pool ladder is used in the shallow end.
Pool ladders are usually made of 304 or 316 stainless steel, with steps made of ABS, all stainless steel, or a combination of stainless steel and anti-slip plastic. The number of steps on the pool ladder ranges from 2 to 6 steps based on the depth of the ladder installation, and the distance between the steps is usually 25 or 30 centimeters.
Different Types of Showers and Tubs
Due to the popularity of showers and tubs among families, many companies have started producing various types of home showers and hot tubs; the wide range of different models of home hot tubs has made this equipment available in many residential apartments and villas.
To browse and choose various types of showers and tubs, please refer to the relevant products along with their complete descriptions in the DamaTajhiz HVAC store.
Different Types of Water Features
Pool water features are one of the most essential elements of beautification and create a sense of peace in any garden, garden, and green space. Natural and artificial waterfalls and streams have always been particularly attractive to people.
Today, designers have been able to recreate corners of nature in parks and gardens as much as possible, inspired by natural beauty, including waterfalls and streams.
The existence of these designs and projects is not limited to their aesthetic aspects, but they are also very effective in purifying the air and making the beautiful space pleasant, as well as preventing the stagnation of pool water.
A fountain is an architectural element that throws water into the air. This is done either for ease of use of water (drinking or washing) or for aesthetic purposes.
Buying Pool, Sauna, and Spa Equipment
Here at the DamaTajhiz HVAC store, various pool, sauna, spa, hot tub, and jacuzzi equipment and supplies from popular brands are presented with the most affordable prices and the possibility of fast delivery in the Middle East and West Asia along with capacity estimation methods and implementation and installation recommendations for each of them.
The Price of Pool, Sauna, and Spa Equipment
Considering the technical information and reasonable prices offered for various pool, sauna, spa, hot tub, and jacuzzi equipment and supplies in the DamaTajhiz HVAC store, we sincerely hope that you, choose us for purchasing the pool equipment and supplies you need (whether single purchase or in bulk).
If you still have more questions or need a consultant about selecting the appropriate capacity and number of equipment or choosing the most suitable brand (considering the geographical, financial, and operational conditions of the project) when choosing pool, sauna, and jacuzzi equipment for your building, please contact the technical experts of DamaTajhiz HVAC via email, fax, or phone: +98-218-882-2550.
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