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Evaporative Cooler

We all have benefited from the use of evaporative coolers through the cool breeze they offer. Use this guide to obtain all the relevant details regarding choosing and purchasing from many kinds of swamp coolers in small or large quantities. Three essential skills that one will be acquainted with include; capacity calculations, brand selection, and price checking.

Evaporative Cooler Experts' Buying Guide and Price List

Suppose you are a fan of evaporative coolers to cool your workplace and living space, and you do not know what type of evaporative cooler to use with the right capacity, brand name, price, and specifications. In that case, we suggest you read the following content.

The swamp coolers can be seen on the roofs and the terraces of many houses and apartments in the Middle East, Asia, and some parts of Europe. In the evaporative cooler, the warm air outside of the apartment or the house is cooled by passing through the swamp cooler's wet aspen and cellulose pads.

To estimate the evaporative cooler capacity needed for your place, please refer to the title: "How to choose a swamp cooler capacity".

Before providing the necessary information about the types, advantages, and selection methods of evaporative coolers, we inform you that the supply of authentic evaporative coolers with a guarantee of product authenticity and a delivery of 2 to 4 hours (in Tehran) with fair prices since 2003 by the company of DamaTajhiz is done. (Shipping to other cities takes about 2 or 3 working days, depending on the distance).

In addition, DamaTajhiz HVAC Group is an official member of the Union of Heating and Air Conditioning Equipment Sellers.

CFM Unit in Aeration Capacity of Evaporative Coolers

The capacity or air flow produced by the swamp cooler is expressed using the unit (Cubic Feet Per Minute) or CFM for short. The CFM unit stands for cubic feet per minute and indicates the amount of airflow produced by the swamp cooler every minute. For example, if the capacity of the evaporative cooler is 4000, this means the production of air flow with a maximum amount of 4000 cubic feet per minute at the high speed of the device.

Therefore, to benefit from sufficient cooling from the evaporative coolers, especially in the units that are located under the hot roof of the building, in addition to the sufficient ventilation capacity (CFM) of the swamp cooler, the correct calculation and execution of both the channels and the valves must be accurate.

How to Determine the Cooling Capacity of an Evaporative Cooler

  1. To choose the right cellulose or Aspen swamp cooler for each apartment, based on the size difference, as well as the location of the unit under the roof of the building or on the middle floors, the calculation and selection of the evaporative cooler are different.
    However, we emphasize that in the units whose rooftop is the ceiling of the building, due to the direct radiation of the sun in hot summers, they need to choose an evaporative cooler with a higher cooling capacity and even sometimes use a Split AC Unit as an auxiliary system. (For more information, refer to the contents included in the purchase guide section of each brand of evaporative cooler.)

  2. The ventilation capacity of swamp coolers should be chosen according to the size and usable surface of the infrastructure of the building and weather conditions (in terms of temperature and humidity).

  3. If you use an evaporative cooler with an aeration capacity greater than the capacity and dimensions of the ducting or a capacity greater than the air outlet capacity of the air cooler vents installed in your unit, the continuous sound of the air passing, during the operation of the swamp cooler will be annoying. The dimensions of the air outlets from the channels should be selected in such a way that the volume of the air exits at a speed of 400 to a maximum of 600 feet per minute from each cooler vent.

In the table below, the covered area and capacity of each model in both hot and moderate and cold and moderate climatic conditions are approximately calculated.

Appropriate for cities such as Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, Semnan, Mashhad, Khorramabad, Tabriz, Shahrood, Kermanshah, Ankara, Sulaymaniyah, Erbil, Mosul, Kirkuk, Aleppo, Kabul, Mazar-e-Sharif, Dushanbe, Samarkand, Khojand, Ashgabat, etc.

evaporative cooler model the size of the infrastructure for the middle floors of the building the size of the infrastructure for the floor under the roof
3500 70 square meters 60 square meters
4500 80 square meters 70 square meters
5500 120 square meters 100 square meters
7000 150 square meters square meters 130

Note: In case of using cellulose swamp coolers, add about an extra 10 to 15 square meters to the covered area of each model.

Different Types of Evaporative Coolers

There are five main types of evaporative coolers, which are as follows:

Portable Evaporative Cooler

As its name suggests, the portable evaporative cooler can move and be portable. The cooler's tank is filled manually, and at the same time, it can be directly connected to the hose or the faucet.

Fixed Evaporative Cooler

The most common type of evaporative cooler is mainly installed on the rooftop, terrace, or sometimes in the yard of the house due to its large dimensions (the functionality can be added if using ductwork). They are divided into two general types: conventional swamp coolers (with a fan) and cellulose evaporative coolers, in terms of how they cool the air.

As we know, in a normal evaporative cooler, cool air is created by water falling on the pads and air passing through the wet pads, and of course, the bag loses its continuity after less than a month, and the bag becomes empty. In some places, it reduces the cooling efficiency of conventional evaporative coolers.

Cellulose Evaporative Cooler

In this type of evaporator cooler, cellulose is used instead of a regular Aspen pad, which provides a better and more continuous supply of cool air. In cellulose coolers, due to the volumetric consistency, cellulose evaporative coolers use cellulose compared to Aspen pads.

Using a cellulose pad in swamp coolers due to the property of absorbing more water than a regular pad. Being more wavy and containing more layers of cellulose together, it directs more water throughout the pad.

As a result, there is a more effective contact surface between the passing air and the wet surface of the cellulose pad (about 2 to 3 degrees Celsius more than coolers with a cover and increasing the area covered by about 15% compared to evaporative coolers with a cover). Moreover, it does not transfer any contamination or bacteria into the cooler channels.

Industrial Evaporative Cooler

This is also one of the most widely used cooling equipment in workplaces, halls, mosques, exhibitions, and spaces with larger dimensions than apartments or houses. Industrial swamp coolers can have a cellulose pad like a cellulose cooler or a cover like traditional coolers.

The use of industrial evaporative coolers is a much more suitable and economical option than the use of industrial air washers, especially for large halls with a ceiling height of more than 4 meters in areas where the relative humidity of the air is less than 40% in summer.

Different Types of Evaporative Coolers

Propeller or Axial Fan Evaporative Coolers

In this type of evaporative cooler, which is placed directly at the window, there is only the possibility of direct ventilation without the possibility of air passing through the channel. Generally, the installation of a centrifugal fan in fixed swamp coolers is done to overcome the pressure drop of the air passing through the air channels of the cooler.

But if you want to use the evaporative cooler directly and without ducting for any place. In that case, you can use all kinds of swamp coolers with axial (window) fans, whose prices are almost half the price of common evaporative coolers. (of course, don't forget that to supply fresh air to these evaporative coolers, these coolers must be installed outside the building.)

The portable coolers should also be placed where the outside air can flow through them. Therefore, evaporative coolers with an axial ventilation fan can only be used in cases where their cool air comes from the air outlet of the cooler. Blow directly into the desired space without channeling.

Types of Evaporative Coolers in Terms of Air-Blow Direction

There are two main types of swamp coolers in terms of air-blow direction, which are as follows:

  1. Side Air Blowing: Evaporative coolers with the air canal located on one of the sides of the evaporative cooler. They are often used on the roofs of apartments, and in fact, they are considered the best-selling type of evaporative cooler.
  2. Top Air Blowing: Evaporative coolers with the air canal located on the roof of the cooler.

Extra: Top air blow evaporative coolers are the most suitable choice for installation on the balcony or terrace of residential units. Firstly, they have the possibility of cooling the incoming air from all four directions of the cooler. Secondly, if installed on the balcony or terrace with much easier channeling.

Note: The setup of the swamp coolers, according to the statistics of electric shocks leading to death in the service of evaporative coolers, be sure to turn off the device's power switch or seek help from experienced service members before their annual or seasonal service.
It should also be noted that evaporative coolers with ventilation from above are produced and supplied in both types of swamp coolers with mesh and evaporative coolers with cellulose.

In the group of evaporative coolers on the DamaTajhiz reference site, which is the first (since 2013) and the most viewed shopping site for cooling and heating devices in the Middle East (according to the data of the global site, you can provide a brief and comprehensive explanation with a little patience to read. You can easily buy the product you want at the most suitable price (guarantee the best prices) and be sure of receiving original and valid service and warranty.

How Evaporative Coolers Work

Evaporative coolers work by directing water from the pan to the water dispensers above the pads using an electro pump, Pouring water onto the aspen pads or cellulose pads keeping them wet.

The blower then passes the incoming hot air (outside air) over wet aspen or cellulose pads in the device causing water evaporation in the pads. The water on the aspen cellulose pads absorbs the heat of the incoming hot air (outside air) and cools the air. Cooled air with enough moisture then enters the duct channel for distribution in different rooms.

Tips to Increase the Efficiency of the Evaporative Cooler

To increase the efficiency as well as the lifespan of an evaporative cooler consider the following points and tips:

  • Calculation and implementation of ducting with dimensions and engineering standards
  • Leaving a window open for the flow of incoming air from the evaporative cooler
  • Using a shade for the evaporative cooler
  • Replacing or sedimenting the pump strainer
  • Emptying the evaporative cooler pan at the end of the summer
  • Using a cover for the Evaporative cooler

Note: Using a cover not only protects the body of the device from the sun and rain but also,  prevents dust and dirt from entering the inside of the evaporative cooler's blower. Because in case of dust penetration and sitting on the blower, the fan speed will decrease when the device starts working.

Evaporative Cooler Advantages

In general, an evaporative cooling system in the evaporative coolers is a common and optimal way to create a cool atmosphere in the environment (the relative humidity of the air is less than 40%).

Therefore, using swamp coolers in cities with hot and dry weather is usually recommended. As you might already know, in this method, by creating humidity in the environment, in addition to providing the required cool air, the evaporative cooler prevents the air from drying out and wooden items from cracking. It also reduces the static electricity in these areas and softens the air in the environment.

Therefore, in a scientific comparison, split air conditioners are used in hot and humid areas, and evaporative coolers are used in dry and moderate areas to create cool air. The main reasons for using swamp coolers are as follows:

  • More reasonable price
  • Lower power consumption
  • Easier installation
  • Partial cost of operation and possible repairs

Advantages of the evaporative coolers

Buying an Evaporative Cooler

The first step to buying an evaporative cooler is to pay attention to the dimensions of the place of use and the capacity of the swamp cooler.

Because evaporative coolers are produced and supplied in different types with different aeration capacities, you should consider the size and use of your environment before purchasing an evaporative cooler to make the correct choice in model and capacity. Have evaporative cooler ventilation at a reasonable price. Then, things like energy consumption, features, brand, and benefits of the evaporative cooler should be considered.

After reading the ultimate technical information about all the swamp cooler types in the previous sections of this article by DamaTajhiz HVAC Group. We sincerely hope that you will choose our service to buy the desired product in bulk with original warranty and fast delivery, not only from Iran but neighboring countries and the whole Middle East region.

We suggest that you check and compare the final dimensions of the cooler with the dimensions of the entrance door of the roof or any other space in which you have to install the cooler to allow the cooler to pass before ordering the final purchase of the required evaporative cooler.

Evaporative Cooler Price

The price of the swamp coolers varies based on the capacity and brand. It would help if you determine the brand, as well as the required capacity to choose and buy an evaporative cooler.

On the site of the DamaTajhiz HVAC Group, technical information on dozens of models of evaporative coolers from reputable brands with original warranties has been presented for you to enjoy the good feeling of optimal and smart shopping.

It should be noted that all the evaporative coolers presented on the website of the DamaTajhiz HVAC Group have product identifiers and reasonable prices, and discounts always await you.

Also note that in the specialized HVAC group of Damatajhiz, all the swamp coolers are only sold in bulk. Therefore, if you want to wholesale any of these products, contact us.

Evaporative cooler price

DamaTajhiz HVAC Co.; Engineering, Manufacturing, and Trading Company in the Middle East Since 2004
Review, Selection, and Pricing of HVAC Equipment

Safety tips for setting up an evaporative cooler

  • Electric shock is the most common danger that threatens homeowners or evaporative cooler services when setting up the device. Remember that these coolers are quite humid, and this humidity helps to aggravate electrocution.

  • The body of the evaporative cooler is made of metal, and its winding is a bit vague. So leave its repair and service to professionals. If not possible, make sure you keep a company when doing it yourself.

  • If you have just moved into a house, before changing the pads of the evaporative cooler, first check the body of the swamp cooler with a phase meter to make sure that it does not have electricity. Still, the electrical system of the evaporative coolers should have a safety system so that if an electrical connection is made, The power of the evaporative cooler will be cut off automatically. There will be no danger to the servicer of the cooler.

Note: If you want to service your swamp cooler on your own, at least ensure it is turned off before doing anything. It is better to go with one of the members of the house or at least inform the members of the house that you are going to do so.

Pay attention to the following points when turning on the evaporative cooler:

  • When turning on the evaporative cooler, it is necessary to open the kitchen window or one of the rooms to the extent that the incoming air is discharged from the air conditioner vents into the house, as well as the kitchen.

  • To prevent the gas stove flame from turning off accidentally by the airflow of the cooler, it is best not to install the swamp cooler AC vent inside the kitchens.

Tips on installing or replacing a cellulose pad

Follow these tips if you want to prevent any future malfunction:

  • If the location of the evaporative cooler is located on the rooftop of the building, please pay attention to the dimensions of the device that are given in the technical specifications table, as well as check the possibility of the device passing through the door of the building's rooftop.

  • All fixed swamp coolers are usually placed on a metal stand with 3 or 4 grades based on the required height. (Not included on the device and must be purchased separately ).

  • One of the most important points when installing an evaporative cooler is to pay attention to the exact level and horizontality of the device because if it is not observed, the water distribution on the panels will not be directed evenly through the pads. Therefore, the cooling surfaces will be dry, and the cooler will end up malfunctioning.

  • Make sure the evaporative cooler is evenly balanced and aligned. If done wrong, the centrifugal fan of the cooler will gradually become unbalanced, vibrate, create noise, and damage the bearing of the cooler. Finally, these vibrations will be transferred to the body and cause overall damage to the body of the device.

  • Every year, you should replace your cooler cover and have the cooler serviced by a service worker so that the inner surfaces and the floor of the cooler are properly cleaned. The insides of the swamp cooler are wet, which is a great place for bacteria to grow, and the sun does not shine into the device, and you do not want them in your house.

  • This problem is multiplied in high-rate polluted cities such as Tehran, where there are more suspended particles in the air, so the pads and cellulose pads in the evaporative coolers must be replaced at a certain time.

  • The time to change the cover in evaporative coolers is at least once a year, and in cities with polluted air like Tehran, twice a year (once on the first of June and once on the first of August).

  • The time to replace cellulose in cellulose evaporative coolers varies every 3 to 5 years (depending on the amount of water dissolved and the air quality of the city where the cellulose cooler is installed).

  • Using cellulose pads instead of regular pads in swamp coolers has advantages such as more cooling performance and better filtering of contaminations, but note that when replacing pads, due to the use of glue and resin in the manufacture of cellulose pads First. The water passing through the cellulose pads collected in the evaporative cooler pan should be drained several times to avoid the bad smell.

  • According to the way these devices perform (in all models of evaporative coolers), it is necessary to choose the installation location of the swamp coolers in such a way that the evaporative coolers can use fresh air to prevent the air from becoming stale.

  • Also, considering that the use of evaporative coolers is usually common in areas with a relatively dry summer climate, and on the other hand, each evaporative cooler consumes about 300 to 400 liters of water on average every day and night in addition to electricity consumption, It is better to control the operation of the evaporative cooler and the unnecessary consumption of water and electricity in many times by installing a thermostat in the power flow path of the swamp cooler switch. (Of course, the exact amount of water used in each cooler depends on the dimensions, capacity, and ventilation of the evaporative cooler, as well as other factors such as air temperature, relative humidity, and the duration of operation of the cooler).

Let us emphasize again that by placing a cover on the body of the evaporative cooler at the end of the summer season, in addition to preventing rainwater from penetrating the swamp cooler pan in the fall and winter and preventing it from rusting as well as preventing dust from settling in the air on the blades of the centrifugal fan, which is the main cause of soil blowing at the start of the season and in the rest of the year. It also prevents the waste of large amounts of thermal energy in your place through the suction vent and air channels.

The importance of channeling the evaporative coolers

  • The amount of ventilation and air circulation created by the evaporative cooler depends on the observance of the engineering principles of the device. In addition, paying attention to the explanations provided in the purchase guide section of each type of evaporative cooler is a way forward.

  • It is necessary to channel the evaporative cooler ducts based on the calculation plan of the facility engineers and ducting standards (in terms of the dimensions of the duct, volume of flowing air, branching, and arch). Please refer to the channel and air vent section of the DamaTajhiz website.

  • It is highly recommended to prevent the swamp coolers and the related channel from being exposed to direct sunlight in order to increase the cooling efficiency of the device. Therefore, by putting a canopy above the evaporative cooler and insulating the channels from the transferred heat of the sunlight to the body of the cooler and its channels, a lot of energy is already saved (according to the national building regulations, if the length of the AC channel exposed to sunlight is more than 2 meters, it is mandatory to insulate the AC channel).

Note: Do observe the dimensions of the device's channels based on the table of engineering calculations and ducting standards.

The Evaporative Cooler Main Parts

Swamp coolers' main parts: mechanical and electrical

Mechanical Part(s): The mechanical part of the evaporative cooler consists of the body, gutters, fan, evaporative cooler float valve, internal and external channels, bearing, swamp cooler pulley and propeller belt, and water tee.

The Evaporative Cooler Main Parts

Electrical Part(s): The electrical part of the evaporative cooler consists of a water pump, a two-cycle fan electric motor, a connection box or terminal, a starting capacitor, a power factor correction capacitor, a 4-wire cable, and a special key.

How to Remove Calcium Deposits from Evaporative Cooler?

Eliminating calcium deposits from the swamp cooler can reduce the failure rate of the cooler's mechanical and even electronic parts.

Water pump failure, clogging of water hoses, float valve failure, motor failure, etc., are among the major problems of evaporative cooler parts, which must be repaired due to neglecting the cleanliness and descaling of the cooler. We can use several methods to remove the evaporative cooler's calcium deposits:

  • Using a Cellulose Pad: The first and most effective way to remove the swamp cooler deposits is not to allow the calcium to get into the cooler. For this reason, using coolers with cellulose pads instead of Aspen pads is suggested. Cellulose pads have a network structure, making cleaning water deposits much easier.
  • Using hydrochloric acid or bleaching agents: You can use hydrochloric acid or bleaching agents to remove evaporative cooler deposits. Remember that these substances are acidic and dangerous; you must use appropriate gloves.

  • Using a vinegar solution: Homemade tablespoons of vinegar also have descaling properties. When the calcium deposits in the cooler are not much, you can directly remove them from the cooler by using a solution of water and vinegar or vinegar alone.

  • Regular Replacement of Water: with regular and monthly water replacement, fewer deposits form in the device.

  • Evaporative Cooler Descaler: One of the best ways to remove evaporative cooler deposits is to use a cooler descaler. Descalers have a special formula placed inside the water and the pan of the swamp cooler, and due to their structure, they remain in the water for several months and prevent deposit absorption in the pockets and body of the evaporative cooler.

Dear users

Suppose you still have more questions about deciding on the purchase of an apartment, industrial, or portable swamp cooler after reading the above information. In that case, you can contact DamaTajhiz HVAC Group by dialing these numbers: 108-117-119-120-126- 317 and get advice from the sales experts of air conditioning equipment.

Since every product on the DamaTajhiz website is provided with an original warranty, if you buy any of the evaporative coolers offered on the DamaTajhiz website, you will get all the discounts related to the special sales of each of the brands, such as Absal, Energy, Barfab, etc. It includes the status of the respected buyer. (Ask for the special sale of all kinds of evaporative coolers from DamaTajhiz HVAC Group).

Only DamaTajhiz HVAC Group can provide you with almost every single reputable brand and model of swamp coolers. Since DamaTajhiz HVAC Group., as an official member of the heating and air conditioning equipment sellers' union, provides all kinds of evaporative coolers in the Middle East region, if you need an evaporative cooler for any of the countries in the region, you can place your purchase order very easily to our sales experts, and they will contact you in no time.

1M³ / hr. = 0.588 Ft³ / min
1M³ = 35.15 Ft.³
1M/ S = 196.85 Ft./ min
1Ft./ min = 0.0051 M/S

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Energy Cellulose Evaporative Cooler EC0350

Energy Cellulose Evaporative Cooler EC0350

  • Dimensions (L , W , H): 75*75*80
  • For 50-80 square meters of area (depending on conditions)
  • Engine Power (HP): 1/3
  • Evaporation efficiency greater than 80%
  • Eco-friendly (unlike compressive systems)
Regular price $158,510,000 Price $156,132,350
  • -1.5%
  • On sale!
  • -1.5%
Energy Cellulose Evaporative Cooler EC01100

Energy Cellulose Evaporative Cooler EC01100

  • Dimensions (L, W , H): 106*106*80
  • For 170-220square meters of area (depending on conditions)
  • Engine Power (HP): 2
  • Evaporation efficiency greater than 80%
  • Eco-friendly (unlike compressive systems)
Regular price $545,325,000 Price $537,145,125
  • -1.5%
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