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  • Sabalan Tahvieh Air Handling Unit AHU Single Zone/Multi Zone
  • Sabalan Tahvieh Air Handling Unit AHU Single Zone/Multi Zone

Sabalan Tahvieh Co Air Handling Unit AHU Single Zone/Multi Zone

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Guides for Selecting and Buying Sabalan Tahvieh Co Air Handling Unit AHU Single-Zone/Multi-Zone

  • The price of different types of air handling units of Sabalan Tahvieh Company, after the customer's request and calculation of the required capacity, will be inquired from the relevant company and subsequently, the inquired air handling unit cost will be announced.
  • According to the needs of the project, Sabalan Tahvieh air handling units can have 1, 2, 3, and 4 rows of heat coils of 8 and 14 fin/inch copper pipes.
  • The fan motor power in this air handling unit is calculated and designed based on 75mm H2o static pressure.
  • The heat coil capacity of Sabalan Tahvieh air handling units of the above has been calculated for a row of heating coils, dry air temperature of 60 ° C, and 8-fin / inch copper pipes.
  • The cooling capacity of the above air handling units has been calculated for 4 rows of 8-fin-inch refrigeration coils and a temperature of 67ºf wb.
  • Sabalan Tahvieh air handling units above up to the AHU2500 model are offered with a single fan and in higher capacities with two fans.

Sabalan Tahvieh Co Air Handling Unit AHU Single-Zone/Multi-Zone Warranties

Sabalan Tahvieh air handling units have one year warranty and ten years after-sales service.

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