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What is electric heating?

An electric heater, which is also known as an electric radiator, is considered one of the most modern, safe, intermittent, and temporary heating devices, and its heat can be used in any place where there is electricity. The inside of the electric heater is filled with oil instead of water, and the elements built into the device heat the oil inside the radiator fins, and when the radiator fins heat up, the heat is transferred to the environment. In an electric radiator, heat is transferred through oil, not through its fuel, and the oil used in the system is permanent and does not need to be replaced.
Due to the use of oil in the structure of electric heaters and the lower specific heat capacity of oil compared to water, the heating of electric radiators is from ordinary radiators that are connected to the hot water piping system of the heater (and the hot water of the engine room boiler or package passes through them) to It is noticeably less! So that if you touch an electric radiator or an electric heater while it is working, your hand will not burn, but if you touch the radiator of a home heater in the winter, it will usually burn your hand.

This heating device is considered to be a very suitable option for providing the required heat in small to medium environments. Electric heaters do not produce greenhouse gas, so their use is more suitable for the environment and they are easy to install and maintain. Electric radiators are produced and marketed in different models and sizes, so it is important to know important points about how to buy them.

Electric heating and its features

Click to view brands, models, and different types, find out the price, and STAINLESS STEEL, ELECTRIC AND FLAT PANEL RADIATORS.

Important points in buying an electric heater

Type of heater:
The material of the electric heating body is the first thing to pay attention to when buying it. Electric radiators are made of aluminum and are affordable for buyers. Also, aluminum is known as the fourth-best thermal conductor after gold, silver, and copper.

Heating power:
The heating power of electric radiators is different from each other based on the number of their blades, and you should buy according to the size of the room and the space used, and the larger the number of blades and dimensions of the radiator and the heating power of the electric heater, the more Its electricity will also be more.

The number of blades:
Another important point to consider when choosing an electric heater is the number of blades, and the number of blades of an electric radiator is directly related to the area of ​​the desired location. The more the number of blades of the electric radiator, the more suitable it will be for larger environments. But keep in mind that using this heating device is not recommended for very large environments, especially environments with high ceilings.

Safety thermostat:
Electric radiators, like electric steamers, have a safety thermostat with internal temperature regulation. The task of these thermostats is that if the internal temperature of the heating device rises, it will be activated immediately and the internal heating process of this heating device will be controlled or completely cut off.

Automatic shutdown system:
Another important feature of electric heaters is the automatic shut-off system, which will provide peace of mind to the consumer with this feature.

Additional features:
Having additional features on the electric radiator will increase its price, and these features can include things such as an air circulation fan, a drying towel holder, a display screen, a compartment for collecting electrical cords, an anti-freeze system, etc.

The price of an electric stove:
Many factors will affect the price of an electric heater, and in this article, we have mentioned these things, and the most important point in buying an electric heater is to pay attention to the heating power and the area of ​​the environment used.

Advantages of electric heating

  • easy usage
  • Cheap service and maintenance
  • Easy operation
  • Variation in size
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Machine permanent oil

Advantages of electric heating

Disadvantages of electric heating

In addition to the above advantages, electric heaters also have disadvantages, which we will mention below

  • Low power and heating power compared to heating radiators of the central heating system
  • High power consumption
  • Requires a powerful electrical system
  • Failure to adapt to the wiring of old buildings

Electric heaters are not suitable for heating large places because they have a high power consumption. These heaters consume about 2 to 3 kilowatts of electricity per hour, so using them continuously in the cold seasons of the year will not be economical.

Electric heating components

  • Stands: they make the device stand vertically.
  • Element: The heat required to heat the fluid is provided by tubular elements.
  • Power switches: They are installed to connect and disconnect the input power.
  • Body of the device: The outer part of the heater is the body or the body, and parts such as the tank, frame, and bases can be seen in it.
  • Fluid: enables heat exchange; Using oil instead of water in an electric heater prevents the device from rusting and exploding as a result of water evaporation.
  • Connection cable: connects the radiator to the electric current.
  • Thermostat: Manages the temperature of the space.
  • Circulation fan: circulates hot air in the room.
  • Towel dryer: allows you to place towels and small clothes to dry in winter.

You can also read the article STAINLESS STEEL ELECTRIC AND FLAT PANEL RADIATORS for more information.

Final speech

On the website of the specialized group of DamaTajhiz, all kinds of radiators and electric heaters are presented in different capacities and brands along with their special prices. You can contact the experts of this collection while visiting the DamaTajhiz website.

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