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What is an apartment air handling unit, what is its use and how does it work?
Maybe these questions and many other questions in this regard have occurred to you and you are looking for their answers. We have prepared an article to answer these questions and have fully explained everything about the apartment air handling unit, including how it works, the equipment used in it, and how to provide comfortable air, so please read this article until the end.

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Apartment Air Handling Unit (AUH)

What is an apartment air handling unit?

The answer to what an air handling unit is and how it works can be expressed in this way, in fact, an air conditioner is one of the air conditioning pieces of equipment to create the desired temperature in different seasons of the year for the building, which has a number of coils (copper pipes) containing hot water and water. It is cold and in some cases, it contains refrigerant (DX type) it also has a number of filters, fans, and supply and distribution channels for fresh air and humidity.
In order to heat or cool the air, the air handling unit takes help from the chiller or boiler (supplier of cold and hot water), in such a way that the chiller or mini chiller enters the cold water into the coils of the air handling unit, and the boiler or package puts hot water into the coils of the air conditioner in winter. sends One or more ventilation fans located inside the air handling unit, which moves the air around the coils and directs them to the channels and inside the building. If the water inside the air conditioner coil is cold (from the chiller), the air passing through it is also cooled (summer) and if hot water flows inside the air conditioner coils, warm air is produced (winter season).

How does an apartment air-handling unit work?

How does the DX air handling unit work? In this air conditioner model, cold water coils are no longer used, but the coil containing the refrigerant from the chiller is directly connected to the air conditioner, which in this case is also called the operator coil. In this way, the chiller no longer sends cold water into the coil and the air conditioner, but the chiller's refrigerant itself enters the air conditioner coil and reduces the temperature of the air passing through the air conditioner coil.

Air purification in the air conditioner

In addition to temperature regulation, air conditioners also perform air purification through filtration. But the way different air conditioners work in terms of air purification depends on the type of their filtration system. Washable filters are usually used in standard air conditioners. Filters can be installed on any air conditioner according to their type of application (such as bag filter, HEPA filter, washable filter, etc.). Filters such as ULPA and HEPA are expensive and do not need to be used in every air conditioner, but these filters are usually used in special cases and completely hygienic environments such as hospitals and clean rooms.

Control the amount of humidity in the air-handling unit

Air handling units also control the amount of air humidity, which is an advantage, especially in cities with very dry weather or vice versa in cities with high humidity. But how does this device function to regulate humidity? In cities where the air has high humidity, during the time of the year when the air is very hot and the air handling unit works in the cooling cycle, the moisture in the air passes through the surface of the cold water coil and hits the cold metal body of the pipes, turning into liquid water. It turns and drips from them and collects in the chamber under the air conditioner and is taken out through a duct so that the excess moisture in the air is taken.
But in cities with dry climates that need to increase air humidity, a humidifying system (such as a sprinkler with very small droplets) is installed on the way air passes through the air handling unit to create humidity in the air. Air handling units work in the same way, whether they have a humidifier or not, and only if it is necessary to use a humidifier, the length of the device is slightly increased so that the humidifying equipment and the corresponding water pump can be installed on it.

Air handling unit performance in terms of air supply

The type of operation of air handling units is different according to the way of air supply and they are generally divided into three categories. Air handling units are usually placed outside the building (on the roof) and provide air in three ways, which can be chosen according to the type of use in any building.

  • Receiving fresh air from the outside, which is complete and one hundred percent, then the temperature is adjusted on the cold water coil and the hot water coil, and it is directed inside the building, which is also called Full Fresh.
  • Receiving air from inside the building, in this case, no fresh air enters the air handling unit. Then the operation of adjusting the temperature and bringing it back inside the building (100% indoor air circulation) is done.
  • Receiving some fresh air from the outside and receiving some air from inside the building, combining these two in the mixing box or mixing box of the air conditioner, then adjusting the temperature in the hot water coil and cold water coil of the device is done, and the conditioned air is sent inside through the distribution channels. The building is sent.

You can also read the article BENEFITS OF AIR HANDLING UNITS IN BUILDINGS for more information.

Final speech

On the website of Damatajhiz's specialized collection, the technical information of dozens of models of apartment air handling units, from reputable brands with original warranties, has been presented in order for you, dear ones, to enjoy the good feeling of an optimal and smart purchase. To get more information and purchase advice, you can contact the experts of the air conditioning equipment department in the Damatajhiz collection during office hours.

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12 months Energy Company warranty + 10 years technical support

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12 months Energy Company warranty + 10 years technical support
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