Hararat Gostar Hot Water Boiler

Hararat Gostar Company was established in 1355. This company, having more than 40 years of experience in producing all kinds of hot water boilers, hot water, and steam, is the first and only company producing hot water boilers, hot water, and steam in the country with complete management. It is specialized and derived from the history of technical knowledge in the boiler manufacturing industry with the degree of a senior expert in Arak Machinery Company. In this company, all the plans and stages of construction, while maintaining the smallest details, are similar to European and American brand companies in the field of hot water boiler production. And it is hot water, which is the result of meeting all the requirements of the long life of the products of the Gostar company, which is ultimately the most important quality characteristic of a product. In the following, we will give a brief description of the steel boiler of Gostar.

Hararat Gostar Company and its steel hot water boiler at a glance

All hot water and steel hot water boilers of Hararat Gostar Company are manufactured according to the design of John Thompson, England, and with the approval of the construction plan from the Austrian TUV Institute, as three passes and WET BACK.
In addition to the fact that standard steel boilers must be built according to an approved plan, it is also necessary for the shell, furnace, and grids to be made of special alloy steel for the construction of heat and pressure vessels in accordance with DIN 17 MN4 or ASME A516/G70 and for the material Pipes or tubes should be made of DIN ST35.8 seamless flame retardant pipes.

At present, hot water boilers made of heat-expanding steel are a suitable choice for all kinds of construction, industrial, and even large national projects and have the ability to produce in different capacities.

Hararat Gostar hot water boiler

Buy a steel hot spring boiler

In order to know as much as possible when considering and buying a steel hot water boiler, it is recommended to read the material presented on the specialized website of Damatajhiz, which is based on the latest engineering experiences in the field of operation, working pressure, production standards and design of all types of steel hot water boilers. say

The price of the hot spring steel hot water boiler

The price of steel hot water boilers varies according to the variety of models and brands available in the market, it should be noted that the prices presented in the specialized collection of Damatajhiz are up-to-date and the discounts desired by consumers are included in these prices.

Warranty and originality of the steel hot water boiler

Hararat Gostar hot water boilers have a valid 2-year warranty and 10-year after-sales service.

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