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Setaak control and automation equipment

For people who intend to buy gas filters from a reputable company, Setaak gas filters are among the best choices. The gas filters of this company are produced in various types and models and have different sizes. In this article, information related to the models and technical specifications of stack gas filters has been collected.

Setaak company and control and automation equipment at a glance

Setaak is an Iranian company that manufactures various parts of gas burners, burner gas line controls, and safety control equipment and has more than 26 years of experience in this field. This company produces and supplies high-quality products by using modern technology and specialized human resources.
Gas filters are another category of Iranian Setaak company's products that are used to prevent the entry of dust particles and impurities into gas pipelines and sensitive devices.

Setaak gas filters and their types

Stack gas filters are often used in the branching of the burners from the gas lines to prevent dust, sand, and other particles in the gas from entering and damaging the diaphragms of the gradual solenoid valves of the burners. The gas filters of the Setaak company have the national standard mark of Iran INSO22107 to DN65 and the general requirements of compliance with the EN13611 standard. It should be noted that the filter material in this gas filter made of synthetic fibers can be cleaned and washed.

Setaak gas filter

Setaak gas filters are also divided into the following two general categories:
Stack gear gas filters
Gear stack gas filters with threaded connections are available in different models such as SET345, SET304, and SET352X and are produced in different sizes.
Stack flange gas filters
Stack flange gas filters have a flange connection and are produced in 1/2 2, 3, and 4-inch sizes.
Brahma, Siemens, and Shokoweh are among other reliable Iranian and international producers of gas filters. In the store site of the specialized collection of Damatajhiz, all kinds of gas filters from Stack and other companies are offered at the best prices for you to use and buy, dear users, experts, and colleagues.

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